Prepare your CNA students for the CNA skills exam and prepare your staff for real-world care with interactive, self-paced HHA and CNA skills scenarios.
hha & cna skills Practice for your students wITH CNA SIMULATIONS
Recognizing virtual clinical simulations as the future of clinical practice, our team built a library of self-paced, interactive, online simulations for certified nursing assistant and home health aide students as well as family caregivers. These learners make all clinical, critical thinking, and communication decisions while providing simulated care to older adult characters.
Practice clinical skills in risk-free, virtual settings.
Boost first-time pass rates with skills practice in simulation.
Engage learners and build confidence with CNA games.
Enhance critical thinking skills and clinical preparedness.
CNA charting & documentation in a simulated EHR.
Increase clinical comprehension: Mandarin & Spanish.
Learners and instructors need a tablet, laptop, or desktop & strong Wi-Fi.
Are you an instructor looking to keep your CNA and HHA students engaged? Watch Ms. Carrie Lewis’s testimonial to learn how she integrates CNA Simulations into lab-based skills training, alternating students between skills practice in the lab and online clinical skills simulations.
Join us to discover how CNASims can transform your teaching experience and student learning.
our hha & CNA training Partners
Trusted by 100+ organizations across 22 states
Learn Care Together LLC has been proud to deliver CNA Simulations as a grantee of Caring4Cal. We exceeded our goals by training more than 8000 current and aspiring CNAs and HHAs in California.
Caring4Cal was an initiative by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to increase access to healthcare services for all Californians through free healthcare training, free personal coaching, and paid incentives for care providers. The goal was to expand, enhance, and strengthen the Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provider workforce across California.
100% of CNA instructors agreed that the simulation significantly improved student knowledge and critical thinking.
Source: Champine, C. "Developing Virtual Clinical Simulations for Nursing Assistant Training: A Pilot Study." (Master's Thesis, St. Joseph’s College of Maine, 2022)